Android and iOS app
Noordhoff Publishers.
Platform for educational content.
Two iPads showing the Noordhoff app

Studiekit is an app for Noordhoff Publishers. The app allows kids (10-16 years) to access their schoolbooks on a tablet or computer. The app offers a wide variety of functionalities so the kids have the same experience as if they used a printed book. Kids could add notes, make drawings, highlight text and easily switch between work and textbooks.


What we want to achieve in the app is to keep the digital book content as clear and accessible as possible, so no added buttons or menu. Kids get very easily distracted so want the full focus on the content. To keep it as clean as possible we developed a navigational principal for the different functionalities of the app. Think of Library view, table of content view, paging view and book switch view. Bye using three finger swipe users can easily acces the different views.

My Role

• UI Design

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This project was commissioned by:

• Aliens Are Among Us

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