Android and iOS app
Optimal Workshop.
Mobile webtool for testing usability.
Four icons, show the different products of Optimal Workshop. From left to right the icons show Treejack, Optimal sort, Chalkmark and Reframer

Optimal workshop, a company that provide online tools for for testing usability. My assignment was to make a mobile version of their (desktop based) online tools. Their online tools are:
Treejack - Information Architecture Validation Software
OptimalSort - Online Card Sorting Software
Chalkmark - Online Screenshot Testing
Reframer - A qualitative research tool


To avoid irregularities in the test results, the mobile version and the online version need to have the same (or as close as possible) user experience. I achieved that by using different methods. By using longtouch, drag, pinch to zoom and a separated menu, I was able to keep the app clear and good to use on a smaller screens.

My Role

UX Design

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